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During the beekeeping season we collect what we call brace comb which is wax the bees build between and on top of frames inside of the hive.
We also save the wax cappings that we cut off when extracting the honey which can be seen in the image above.
Once we have enough wax we can put it all in our steam wax melter and when this gets hot enough it will begin to flow out and through a filter which removes any dirt and debris to ensure we end up with a nice clean block of wax.
The wax is then left outside to cool over night and turned out once cool to produce this lovely clean block of wax ready to use for candles or a whole host of other natural products i.e. Lip balms, Soap, Food wraps and many more.
We now have to re-heat the wax using a double boiler.
A double boiler is nothing more than a big pot, with water, in which to put in your secondary melting pot. The water helps make a boiling water bath around your melting pot, which then allows your wax to melt at a controlled rate, without overheating or scorching.
Once the wax has completely melted, it is poured into whichever mould we choose.
Remove the candle wax from the heat source, and pour it into the silicone candle mould. Allow the wax to set. If there are any bubbles, tap the side of the mould after a few minutes to remove them. After the candle wax has completely cooled off, remove the candles from the mould.
And here we have some examples of candles made for Christmas.
These and other types can be ordered via our online shop.
Radiance Honey
25 Garner Drive, Aylesham, Canterbury, CT3 3FE, United Kingdom